Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Posting an update (mostly for Mony ;) )

I have NO IDEA...!!! I might test tomorrow - what's the verdict on HPT and IVF? Should I just wait you think? What would you do in my shoes?

A friend recently told me she tested negative the day before her BETA and the day before that as well.... but her BETA was positive. Not sure i really want to go through that heartache for no reason... only if it's an accurate result. There I go again needing proof, guarentees... when will I get over that? I should be used to the fact that no such thing exists in IF. Technically my period probably wont show until next week sometime - so it's not like it might surprise me to convince me it didn't work (although it could, i guess!)


In my shoes, would you test? (i'm just curious - i'm 85% sure i'll test tomorrow. I've always wanted to tell my dh we're pregnant - and this is the only way this might happen. At the clinic i can't exactly ask him to leave while they tell me and then keep it from him!) In NORMAL couples, women get to tell their dh they're pregnant. and you all know how much I crave being NORMAL.

Completely off topic... My best friend had to have her appendix removed on Sunday. EMERGENCY. She's 20 some weeks pregnant. HOW SCARY??? I couldn't help but cry after I got off the phone with her. THIS IS NUTS. I swear we were ment to find each other in life to be friends to support each other - because "things" keep happening to both of us. Hers always seem worse - much worse! But IF isn't exactly a walk in the park either.

Edited to add: I'd like to add that I'm the furthest thing from a POAS Addict.... In my whole life i've POAS twice. That's got to be quite an accomplishement for somebody who's been TTC for 2 1/2 yrs!! So i'm not really obsessing about the need to POAS as much as the need to find out NOW!!! but i guess it's kind of all the same thing........ arh.

thanks for the support girls! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW. I am impressed you haven't tested at all : ) I was a PSW.(pee stick wh*re) I tested starting 4dp5dt..

I know some women have had false negatives and some have false positives. I think the whole 2 week wait is such a mind mess.

Technically, HPT's will pick up HCH as early as 4 days before a missed period. That will work out to being 11 days past O. So technically, you could test. You are 14 days past O now.

I think no matter what, you are never ready to hear that your beta is negative. After all the time, drugs and emotions put into IVF and knowing that there are NO guarantees, still won't prepare you for a negative.

I hope and pray that you get to see your 2 lines!!!

March 07, 2006 9:11 AM  
Blogger x said...

hmmm, I would like to think I will try to avoid the HPT and wait for the beta but that is easier said that done. You don't want to get disapointed for no reason but I understand your point about wanting to feel normal.
If you are going to do it, get one of the expensive "early pregnancy tests", they are better at detecting early.

I'll be checking back to see if you did it. I really hope everything turns out for the best!

March 07, 2006 11:27 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

I have to test the morning of the beta. There is no way that I can wait until the call. I also hope that by knowing beforehand I can tell my DH in a special way.

Wishing you the best!!!

March 07, 2006 12:51 PM  
Blogger Mony said...

Thanks for updating!
I only tested because I had cramps & tiny spots of blood. In my heart I knew IVF had failed, I was really clinging onto to hope & prayed for a BFP.
Seeing the BFN just made me accept the verdict and stop with the hope-fest. If I had no signs of AF I wouldn't have tested....I would have just enjoyed the "What if?" senario.
Sweetie, you decide for yourself....but if you can stand waiting....then wait.
PS: I'm feeling GOOD about this!

March 07, 2006 5:04 PM  
Blogger Thalia said...

It's up to you - we're all different, no one can tell you what is best for you. I didn't test because I started bleeding before it was possible for me to do so. But I would have tested the day of my beta at a minimum. I'd rather have fair warning than have the phone call tell me...

March 08, 2006 5:33 AM  

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