Tuesday, February 14, 2006

13 + 16 = ...........


DO YOU think I [intelligent, math brained person] could come up with that answer when I've got the wand up my ... ? Of course not. I lay there and giggled as I couldn't come up with the answer... my dh came in for the u/s for the first time today - he was freaked out, but i gave him a "get over it" look... - anyways - when it was all done he said "so 29, that's good, right?" i was like "yeah... 29! thanks!" ha!HA!HA! (goodness know i need to laugh these days!) on the way there I asked my dh how many he thought i had and I said "28" at the same time he said "21" :) Now lets pray for 20+ eggs!!!

So... all is good - follicules are "small" but apparently in the norm... now i have to keep praying i don't over stimulate... (I have PCO which is why my # is that high and also why i'm at a higher risk for OHSS) And of course, I have to keep praying that they keep growing... THEY CAN.... :)

today, life is 'ok'. I had this overwhelming fantasy the other day... that almost had me in giggles... thinking "maybe just maybe we can get 20+ embryos... and by some miracle have ALL OF our children from THIS fresh cycle... you know, twins this time around... FET with maybe 1? and then I want at least 4, so that means ANOTHER FET and then.... I could get twins again... " WOW what a fantasy. When is it exactly that it happens? going from praying/hoping that we can get pregnant "naturally" and then having fantasies that maybe, just maybe we can have 5 kids for like 12 000$. ha!HA!

I did have a shot outburst awhile ago... i was having my 100th cup of tea (i don't feel well today and tea always helps!) and my beagle jumped on the sofa and in turn on me after i told him NOT to jump on me - dripped tea everywhere.... but worse - he put his paw right on my injection site and i had JUST done them... so i yelled :( and he was scared of me... he didn't want to come close to me and then..... i couldn't stop crying. He went upstairs to sleep (which he doesn't normally do till later in the evening...) and i tried to convince him to come sleep beside me on the sofa but he wouldn't. i couldn't stop crying :( we both eventually got over it...... :)

Today life is good.... although my attention span is VERY low. VERY. VERY VERY VERY low. I'm watching (or trying to) the gilmore girls (a show i actually like) and i can't concentrate... instead, i'm typing this???


Blogger Portlairge said...

That's a fantastic number. I hope you get 20+ eggs too.

February 15, 2006 11:16 AM  
Blogger Fertility Faux Pas said...

Wow, you've got a lot of eggs cooking. Good for you! Your beagle story made me laugh. I have a beagle too, and he pouts like a little kid when he gets yelled at too.

February 15, 2006 11:28 AM  
Blogger beagle said...

I love all the calculations. My own twin fantasy has to do with getting two for the "price" of one and being done with family building in one fell swoop.

To save anyone asking (all the beagle fans) . . . I have three cats and zero beagles. It's just a (sort of) random nickname. I do love Snoopy.

February 15, 2006 6:44 PM  
Blogger Mony said...

Your progress is close to my heart. Keep going!

February 16, 2006 2:42 AM  
Blogger Winnifred said...

Thanks so much for the comments girls :)

beagle - i have to say I was wondering if you had a beagle :)

and believe me - the twin thing is A LOT about 2 for the price of 1... but I cannot (well, i will if i have to - but i do not plan on it) stopping at 2. I personally want 5 children... i'm ok with 4. My dh is great with 3, warm to 4... so we'll see what happens! :)

thanks again girls!

February 16, 2006 9:08 AM  

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