Sunday, February 26, 2006

I feel GREAT.

I feel like a new person. I feel like I lost a good 10 pounds even though i haven't - i just feel comfortable for the first time in a while. Before the ER I felt "full" - my stomach was hard and I couldn't move without feeling my ovaries... After the ER I felt like I had been ran over by a car - just over my stomach... it felt horrible... when I decided to ask for pain killers after the ER I thought the pain had all come in (cause it's weird - immediately after the ER i felt perfectly fine for about 45 minutes or so! then the pain started...) anyways - so i didn't take the tylenol with codeine, just the normal tylenol... but then i got so much MORE pain i regretted it. Then on the day of the ER I had to take a double dose of progesterone which I'm guessing is what caused my really bad nausea.....

Yesterday, 1dp3dt I felt "ok" but not great... today, 2dp3dt - I feel REALLY good. I can still feel my stomach once in a while - but no pain at all just a reminder that something "happened"! I keep hoping it's a good sign - but then again i could be convinced of just about anything at this point.

I'm HOPING that this means i'm in the clear and no longer have to worry/think about OHSS - but i have no idea.

I'm also confused about the testing. When I left the clinic on Friday she said "you have to schedule your BETA for 14 days from today" so that's 17 days past ER. Seems people get an accurate reading from an HPT at 10dp3dt..... Oh - and if my ET was on a Friday, is 14 days later Thursday? or Friday? (i know, i know... ask the clinic!)

To think that one week ago today we were doing yet another u/s and told to trigger that night...... and now.... we just wait. My dh is going back to work tomorrow and i think it's a good thing - this 2ww seems worse on him than on me!! yesterday i was restless but that's because i've been on a semi-self-inflicted bed rest... and i got bored. I have LOADS to do for the next 2 weeks - business stuff to organize, but i need to wait till tomorrow to start all that stuff... this is my "doing absolutely nothing to try to up my chances as much as I can!!" time...



Blogger Mony said...

I'm watching you watching me!

We are Kindred Spririts! Or tortured souls more like it!
I have been following your progress with great interest. My sympathies with the 2ww hell. It really is a tough gig. Shall we hold hands?

February 26, 2006 6:59 PM  
Blogger Mony said...

Oh I forgot to add that I adore your poas countdown. Hoorah!

February 27, 2006 3:08 AM  
Blogger x said...

I am glad to hear that you are feeling a bit more human again. I'll learn from you and take the codeine after retrieval if it is offered.
Best of luck! I hope you find a way to help the time pass quickly

February 27, 2006 1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't have to sit around to make this successful, you know. The one study that looked at it actually found a higher success rate in those who moved around after transfer. But I'm not sure the numbers were really convincing. In any case, you're not going to do any harm by getting active again now.

Glad you're feeling better, long may it continue!

March 01, 2006 4:56 AM  

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