Tuesday, March 14, 2006

back at work.

and i hate my job. actually - it's more the people. but i'm here and i should suck it up.

I am feeling quite nauseous right now - which is GOOD. yesterday I didn't feel much nausea... and i have to say it keeps it quite real for me. I don't really enjoy feeling sick - BUT it's helping sink in my current reality: I'm pregnant.

I've also turned a HUGE corner. I was sooooooooo scared to admit that I am pregnant thinking that for sure something would happen... and then it hit me. Something might happen.... but the odds are A LOT higher that NOTHING will. And we all know how we play the number game on this journey!! So now i'm embrassing the fact that there's an incredibly HIGH chance that in Nov. we'll be PARENTS.

Other than that - the PIO shots are HURTING!! It's not so bad i guess - but my injection site is SOOo itchy!! and all bumpy?! I have NO idea how we'll find room to keep doing injections for another 7+ weeks, daily. it's crazy! But at the same time, I count my blessings every evening when A. gives me the shot - that it worked, and it's working and that it's necessary!! So it balances it out :) Oh... and A. hit blood for the 5th time. FIFTH. Most either never hit blood or maybe ONCE? One night a while back it was 3 times in a row... so LUCKY me got 4 shots that night!! oh the joy!! I'm glad it's not the actual shot i hate as much as when the progesterone goes in - that's the part that hurts more - so i only got that pain the once, obviously!!

Basically everybody we know knows we're pregnant right now (except "work")- which isn't how i would have prefered it - but fighting off the requests to share was harder. PLUS i figure that means more people are sending us positive thoughts - and they can't hurt, right?? We go for the ultrasound next Thursday and I think IF we're lucky enough to have twins we might keep that news to ourselves for a while... depending on how it looks. I've read of many vanishing twins stories - I don't really need everybody to know about it if it was to happen to us, we'll see. Crappy thing is that we'd actually have to LIE about it if it was twins and we want to keep it to ourselves because a few know we're going for that u/s and they know that by then we'd know. We'll see. Besides, that would be incredibly lucky... so i'm not quite banking on it, just really really really praying!!

I'm 5w. pregnant today.

Thanks for all the well wishes... it's still hard to believe it's happening... and Jenny - I know the "those things actually work" was my exact reaction. This was the last test of a 3 test pack and I've only ever seen the - result... so I was like THAT'S WHAT THE POSITIVE LOOKS LIKE!!! IT'S NOT BROKEN!!! ah!HA! :)


Blogger Lut C. said...

Keep repeating it: the odds are high that it will be a breeze. So go for it. :-)

March 14, 2006 4:16 PM  
Blogger x said...

I am so glad you finally got to see the elusive double lines. It's gives us all a bit more hope.

I never thought about it but I think you are right, after IVF, nausea wouldn't be so bad because at least it's a sign that your are pg and all is going well.

Best of luck on the twins (that's what I am hoping for too)

March 15, 2006 11:11 AM  
Blogger Chastity said...

I literally just read your entire blog from start to finish. It truly felt like I was reading my diary from last year...from the mfi to the shots...almost everything is the same. Good luck with everything! It's amazing to hear a story this close to my own.

March 16, 2006 8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling good. By the way, if you were in the UK, you'd have stopped the PIO by now - something to think about!

March 17, 2006 2:04 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

Glad things are going well. I hate the side effects from the progesterone. Maybe you can talk to your doctor about changing to suppositories. Can't wait to hear about your u/s.

March 18, 2006 10:23 AM  

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