Tuesday, June 09, 2009


and still very stressed. I want to test NOW -- but I don't want false results - so I'm going to wait 48 more hours. then it should be accurate.

I keep having thoughts of IF this doesn't work WHY DIDN'T IT WORK because we got to transfer TWO "perfect" embryos. I actually have thoughts of "what would I have done wrong...??" when the reality of it is that they may have taken. They may not have -- but i'm beating myself up over something I don't even know.

Again, calling on my rational brain isn't helping.

I feel like I feel too "ok" for it to have worked -- whatever that might mean. It's not like normal people have pregnancy symptoms at THIS point. but still, I can't help it.

I'm TERRIFIED of a neg. result. TERRIFIED.

Trying oh so trying to muster up some positive energy/thoughts. trying.


Blogger Carol said...

good luck if you test! You're just a few days ahead of me, I'm still debating about whether to test or not. I'll check back later and see if you caved!

June 09, 2009 2:05 PM  

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