Tuesday, June 13, 2006

18 weeks.

Goodness, I'm super original in my titles these days!!

18 weeks for some reason is a milestone for me. It seemed SO unachievable - and frankly - i don't know what it was about 18 itself. But here I am.

I feel like my belly has stopped growing - which I guess isn't all bad... At the rate I was going I would have been HUGE! BUT it's still a little unerving... I keep thinking "maybe something's wrong??" because frankly - when am i NOT thinking that?

I haven't felt much movement at all - and THAT is freaking me out. I'm terrified that at our u/s in 10 days they'll find something wrong - even though at 18 weeks it's normal to hardly feel anything. I just thought that since i've been feeling a little bit for a while that I would be feeling MORE by now? I keep thinking i feel even less? arh.

A friend of mine had her baby on Sunday. 3 weeks and 2 days late. Imagine? The baby was only 9 pounds 1 oz (we were all expecting a whole lot bigger!!) and they're all doing well... and STILL - I can't help but be jealous. YES, i'm pregnant. YES, i'm expecting TWO babies... BUT STILL. Hers was EASY. Hers was concieved as soon as they started trying. And... hers is HERE. Mine, are not. not yet. I know... STOP IT. BUT it just goes with the territory I guess. At least that's what i convince myself of - otherwise, i'd feel like a bitch 90% of the time :(

My goal for last week was to go on a walk... and I've now gone TWICE!! Seems rediculously stupid - but hey - it's progress!

We've decided to NOT do our bathroom renovations... we were going to buy front loader washer/dryer so that we could have them in our bathroom on the main floor... but i've finally decided that NOT spending that money was more important. Our bedroom and the nursery are upstairs... and the washer/dryer are downstairs.... and that's how it'll have to be. If it's too difficult, then we can deal with it when the time comes! Besides, all those steps should help me lose weight, no? who am i kidding... (oh and the loads will be numerous since we're going to be cloth diapering the babies!)

18 weeks pregnant... and hoping everything is still ok with the babies!!


Blogger Mary Ellen and Steve said...

Congrats on making it to 18 weeks! I hope that everything continues to go well for you!

June 13, 2006 11:17 AM  
Blogger Hopeful Mother said...

Congratulations on the 18 week hurdle.

June 13, 2006 11:54 AM  
Anonymous Monica Butler said...

Great post thanks for writing

April 15, 2022 10:01 AM  

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