Thursday, July 20, 2006

Freak Religion?

Yesterday a coworker was joking with my dh and I that we're "in it" for the next 20 yrs... and I said "well, it'll be longer than that since we're having more kids..."

"MORE than twins???"
"what are you? part of some freak religion or something?"

AAAAAAARRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Nothing like trying to piss off a hormonal pregnant woman. Nice.

Other than that - today i'm having a horrible day. I've tried a bunch of chairs at work and nothing works - my butt/left leg hurts SO bad when i get up - i feel like i'm going to crumble when I walk (i actually physically came close a few minutes ago). I have to pee for the 4th time since 9h30 this morning (that's 2 hours! FUN!) and the bathroom at work is now being cleaned - the only bathroom we can use. We have a shower room too - but for some reason they omitted toilets when they built them (wtf?) so we have ONE women's bathroom... that is cleaned by a man therefore closed while he cleans. Min. amount of time: 30 minutes. I gave it an extra 5 (well, almost 10 by the time i actually made it there) and it was STILL CLOSED. TOO LONG for anybody - let alone a pregnant woman. So i'm back at my desk wondering when I should dare make the treck - again - cause i can hardly walk.

I'm asked "how are you doing?" with pitty as always - but it's getting harder to say fine when they can CLEARLY see that i am seriously limping. ARH.

Other than that - i hardly slept last night and I'm feeling really sick today. AND... i'm stressed beyond words... I can't stop thinking something bad will happen... I was doing so much better and then my friend lost her full term baby and now i'm back at square one, stressing.

I know i shouldn't complain: I'M PREGNANT. I get that. I'm sorry if this bugs some of you - if anybody is still reading.

Tomorrow will be better, right?


Blogger Lut C. said...

What a dumb comment.

Tomorrow will be better, I checked the weather forecast. ;-)

July 20, 2006 2:54 PM  
Blogger x said...

I'm still reading!

I am really sorry about your friend losing her baby. I can imagine the additional worry that would cause for you. I wish you were feeling better. After IVF we should all have easy, problem free pregnancies.

July 20, 2006 3:52 PM  
Blogger beagle said...

The freak religion of greedy infertiles? Maybe we can start a new religion?

That was a really stupid comment!

Sorry for the horrible day.

July 24, 2006 3:34 PM  
Blogger Emmie said...

Hi there,
Thanks for your comments on my blog--I came over to yours right away. Congrats on the twins! I want to hug you right now and I don't even know you! Don't let that stupid comment bother you. I'm totally with you on wanting another if I have twins. I wanted twins and a singleton before I ever knew I had IF. Twins run in my family hard core, (and not due to IVF!) so I never thought that would be weird or excessive. Besides, the religious fanatics have more like 5 kids.

August 04, 2006 8:06 AM  
Blogger Emmie said...

Just kidding about the 5 kid thing, by the way. That's totally cool, too. I forget that my attempts at humour might not always translate in type. ;) I have a 5 bedroom house, and would love to fill it.

August 04, 2006 8:12 AM  

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