Sunday, April 25, 2010

not great numbers.

8 eggs. for me, that's a tiny number. I had lots of follicules, but only 8 eggs. Last cycle it was at least 18 (can't find my numbers) and the one before was 24. I know it's QUALITY, not QUANTITY - but shit.

Embryologist just called. Only 5 were mature. 4 fertilized.

4 years ago -- when they called me only 3 were ok. (2 made it up to blastocyst after for a total of 5). I was extatic --> we created life. Not only did we have embroyos -- we ended up with twins.

This time, these numbers are making me cry.

The embryologist said there was a tiny tiny chance of an emergency 2 day transfer. I didn't even know such a thing existed. Otherwise, it's a day 3 transfer on Tuesday.

On good news -- they got enough sperm from my husband to freeze. After THREE TESAs - it's the first time they have enough to freeze.

now, i have to find a way to suck it up, stop crying and get back to my nearly zen-like state. Cause either way -- whatever happens to these 4 embryos will happen, if i'm crying about it or not.

The retrieval went fine. Other than being tender, i'm ok. Last retrieval I threw up for DAYS on end.

FINGERS (and-everything-else) CROSSED!!!


Blogger Lut C. said...

Seeing the numbers go down over the cycles is not very uplifting indeed.
The good thing is that it isn't showing in the number of embryos - or am I reading your post wrong?

Let your emotions out. Crying actually lets stress hormones flow out of your body, scientists recently found out.

Fingers crossed!

April 26, 2010 2:34 PM  

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