The beginning of recovery.
Our precious third child was born on January 21st. And so begins my journey into recovery. I've realize that it somewhat compares to an adicts life :: once infertile, always infertile. (unless of course you're cured which we cannot be.)

This is our last child, unless we enter the world of adoption at a future time. I am soaking up every second while grieving for something that is out of my control. I choose to now begin my journey into recovery instead of holding on to the fact that infertility is in control. Because it is. IT chose that we would be done now, though has also granted us three amazing children. Blessed doesn't seem to describe how I feel. We won our battle against infertility even if it still holds some control over us. Over me. I shall learn to live with it. Just like an addict where it never fully goes away, the infertility feelings will always linger but I will try my best to not allow them to take over my life again. I've dedicated more than 7 years of my life to it (5 since diagnosis) and I AM READY TO BE FREE.

She arrived after many hours of labouring and a scary emergency c-section -- but she is absolutely perfect and we are all in love.

This is our last child, unless we enter the world of adoption at a future time. I am soaking up every second while grieving for something that is out of my control. I choose to now begin my journey into recovery instead of holding on to the fact that infertility is in control. Because it is. IT chose that we would be done now, though has also granted us three amazing children. Blessed doesn't seem to describe how I feel. We won our battle against infertility even if it still holds some control over us. Over me. I shall learn to live with it. Just like an addict where it never fully goes away, the infertility feelings will always linger but I will try my best to not allow them to take over my life again. I've dedicated more than 7 years of my life to it (5 since diagnosis) and I AM READY TO BE FREE.

She arrived after many hours of labouring and a scary emergency c-section -- but she is absolutely perfect and we are all in love.