Somebody asked me a little while back what "coping mechanism" I was setting up for myself for my cycling time (somebody who has also lived IVF) and I simply said "I've cleared my calendar 100% -- and I'm keeping it that way. May and June are not being planned AT ALL. We may attend functions or do things - but not because they've been planned and we've accepted - but because last minute we decided that "it works for us right now". And it is very much helping. Granted, I have to say I'm terrified of planning july and beyond regardless - but still, it's a start.
The pill is still making me very sick. VERY. Like running to the bathroom sick. I had hoped that we had until about May 22nd to "do things around the house/yard" -- but i'm already lagging. I'm already wanting to nap. I'm already wishing this would stop -- because of this nausea. I should have planned "nothing as of the start of the pill" but I thought it wouldn't be THIS bad. I knew it would be throwing up bad - but not THIS bad. Oh well, if the garden doesn't fully get planted, we'll buy more local organic veggies that I wont be able to eat anyways because I'll be throwing up all summer. Fingers crossed. Well, actually -- this time around i've got everything crossed that I DO NOT suffer from morning sickness -- but I'm 100% ok with it if I do.
I've got a very logical brain -- and proof is a lovely thing.
On a crazy fantastic note - the province of quebec has just announced the law they're trying to have pass.... and it includes THREE free IVF cycle. FREE. THREE. SOOOOOOOOO fantastic!!! It will most likely not apply to us (seeing as we've already paid for this IVF cycle - and we're hoping with everything we've got that this is it!) but we don't care. We're both thrilled that somebody, down the line, will be able to build their families however necessary and financial burden wont be a factor. FANTASTIC news. They're hoping it's in place in a few months... fingers crossed!