Today, i'm officially huge. I stepped on the scale... and hit the wall in front of me! ha!HA! Last time I got on (which i don't exactly remember when but it was in the last 2 weeks for sure) i don't think i was
that close to the wall! ha!HA!
Yesterday I visited a friend who has a 3 week old :) and brought her a handmade wrap (kind of like the cuddly wrap at by handmade i mean i simply cut stretchy fabric I already happen to have :) It worked GREAT and she's totally in love with it :) I took photos - i'll try to share tomorrow. She can now walk around hands free and take care of her toddler :) she also said she had the most relaxed diner she's had since they came home from the hospital :) Her baby fell asleep almost instantly in it!! I'm SO happy she was happy with it :) I have one too for when the twins come - and I can make more I still have lots of fabric left over. I also ordered rings from Now I just have to buy fabric to make a few ring slings... I figure I can make them for less than 20$ including the rings - and the nice ones sell for like 80$CDN - so i'm happy :) I'm thinking of making that same friend one as well :)
On Saturday I cut fabric to make 75 wipes... that's a WHOLE lot of wipes!!! I'm done sewing 25 of them :) and by the week-end i should be all done... :) they look fantastic (for homemade, imo) - my friend wanted to buy some! :)
Last friday we had another u/s - everything still looks great. They're almost both at a pound each right now! :) Next one is in 2 weeks - and they'll start measuring the cervix at that appointment... can't say i've missed the wand, but i'll get over it!
the babies are moving more and more too - i feel them daily now - just not as much as I know i'm about to start feeling them :) It's really really really helped me relax to feel them - i kept thinking it would help me relax - but i seem to do that ALL the time "
let me just get to the next stage and i'll relax" and sure enough there would
always be more to stress about. At this point, I can HONESTLY say that I feel MUCH better and I feel like I'm almost normal. I
*almost* feel like I fit in with the pregnant crowd these days - which is a surreal feeling. I'm guessing it wont last - but i'm going to enjoy it while it's here. or try to.
Oh - and thanks for the comments on the cloth diapers :) it's going to work out - it's our ONLY option - especially now that i've bought the diapers :) I'm NOT going back to work after the babies come - and we might save 4500$-5000$ by doing cloth diapers with twins... I'm willing to do A LOT to save that kind of $ (plus the whole env. thing - i much prefer this way...) besides - this keeps up a tradition... nobody's been diapered in disposable diapers on my side of the family (cousins yes, but I was in cloth, my mom was obviously in cloth and so on... :) )
22 weeks pregnant and having a hard time sleeping - but other than that doing GREAT. The heat & humidity has been quite bad here and i've been slacking on my water intake - so I've been swelling - not pretty. I hope i can keep my ankles for a while longer before they disappear.. :)
Oh and for a visual of where i'm from, check out Jenny's blog - she just vacationed in my province and had a blast! :)