I haven't taken the time to blog!
Our tranfer was last Thursday. It went MUCH better than I could have anticipated. 100% survived. WOW!!! At the time of the transfer we had one GREAT and one GOOD embryo to transfer (so we did) we also had one "that didn't do much of anything" and the dr. said he felt confident that if we transfered three we wouldn't end up with triplets. We couldn't take that gamble.
So one of our embryos is no longer - and while that's a little hard for me to take -- i'm more focused on praying these two take. Or at least one, but hopefully two.
I had slight cramping everyday except the last 2 days. And then again this evening -but this evening it was sharper and had me worried. I was TERRIFIED to see blood -- but I haven't and the pain has passed. Thank goodness.
On the day of the transfer, we left home at 5am - not knowing when the transfer was going to be -- because we couldn't wait at home for a call that said "be here in 2 hours" when we're 3+ hrs away from the clinic. After much waiting around and pacing halls we got news that they were doing great and that the transfer would be at noon. The dr. that did the transfer was REALLY nice -- and calming.... the staff was ALL great -- they seem to genuinely love making people happy. The nurse at one point said "today's been a good day!" PERFECT thing to hear on your transfer day :) When the transfer was over she said "ok, i'll bring you back to your cubicle..." and I said "really? i thought we had to wait here? I'm just surprised since I had to wait last time -- but if you guys don't think we have to - i'll just move!" and she said "every woman wants to stay -- and you're the last for the day -- so stay for 10-20 minutes, no problem..." :) I wanted to pee -- but I wanted to stay put more.
On the way home I felt SO calm. I told my husband that I felt so relaxed, like I had just spent hours at a spa. Spa like? Seriously??? Minutes before that I had a speculum up my vajayay with a FULL full full bladder and.... somebody PUSHING on it. Yet the stress relief I felt afterwards made my whole body relaxed, like a spa. Imagine.
And I have to say that through the transfer I kept saying "this is soooooooooo AMAZING" seriously -- We got to see 2 of our embryos on a tv. That's COOL. Sucks that we have to go through all that -- but amazing still.
The waiting has been HORRIBLE. So hard. CRAZY hard. My husband took the week off since I shouldn't pick up the kids -- and our kiddos LOVE being picked up! We're trying to put 100% of the odds on OUR side, and he could take the time - so it works out.... BUT at the same time it's giving us both too much time to THINK. If we were crazy busy we wouldn't be thinking of next monday every second of the day. We'd just think of it every hour or so.
I'm going to test on Sunday -- and it will be positive :)
My dh is ready to start testing now -- saying he wouldn't be bugged by negatives NOW because he'd expect them to be neg. now since it's too early -- but I just keep thinking that brings us down a road of "well, should TODAY still be neg?" "what about NOW?" and so on. Too hard on my nerves!!
I feel like I feel too "ok" to be pregnant while I realize that's totally rediculous because how else would I feel at this point? Last time around it was a fresh cycle -- and at this point in time I was still feeling the effects of the stims. This time -- it's just "normal life" while "not normal at all".
5dp5dt: Impatient.